Accessibility Statement
We are committed to ensuring that we provide a safe, welcoming, barrier-free, and accessible environment for our employees, customers, suppliers, job applicants, visitors, and other members of the public. This applies in relation to employment and with respect to areas such as customer service, the built environment, information and communication and transportation.
As an organization, we are responsible for seeing that our employees, as well as our facilities, policies, business practices and systems comply with the governing legislation and relevant best practices regarding the accessibility for employees with disabilities in a way that promotes their dignity and independence. With respect to recruitment, all our job postings include an accessibility and accommodation statement. We also require that all hiring managers notify candidates who are selected for interviews that accommodation is available for employees with disabilities upon request. They must inform successful candidates about our policies for accommodating employees with disabilities when making verbal offers. Hiring managers are required to work with candidates and Human Resources in determining the appropriate accommodation and ensuring such accommodation is available. All managers and employees have a part to play in ensuring that employees or customers — current and prospective — are treated fairly and in a manner that respects their dignity and independence.
A complete list of accessibility materials, program of training sessions, policies and other background information may be obtained from Human Resources.